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How's Your Health If You've Eaten 35,000 Big Mac's?

Photo: EllenMoran / iStock Unreleased / Getty Images

If you eat a LOT of fast food, you might start wondering how your health is....well, unless you just don't care, so eat away. But there is a guy that ate 35,000 Big Mac's sincs 1972 and now he's worried about his health.

Donald Gorske has eaten an average of 600 Big Macs a year since 1972. (wow, that's a lot of $$$ now!) So in total, that's about 35,000 burgers. So how is his health? “His blood sugar has been normal, his cholesterol has been exceptionally good,” Gorske’s wife said.

It's kind of like Morgan Spurllock drank Guiness for a month and that's all he could have in one of his films, and his health actually improved. So could the Big Mac be the same way?

So what does Donald do to keep healthy? He walks 6 miles a day, avoids fries in his McDonald's meals. That's the key? LFG!!

Donald is kind of like your dad. Do as I say, not as I do. So don't follow his diet. “I might be the only person alive who could eat Big Macs every day without ill effects,” Gorske joked. Most medical advice states that consuming large quantities of fat and salt increase heart disease risk.

Man, 35,000 Big Mac's. That's a lot. I wonder who has survived off of KFC, and donuts. That's the diet I want to try.

Happy eating!!!

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