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Think Things Are Expensive Here? See How Food Prices Compare By Every State

Photo: Getty Images

Think you're the only one being hit in the wallet hard right now? Trust me, it's not just you. It's everyone else as well. But we thought it was going to get better. Some things have, and I'm not being political at all, I'm just saying things are still high. So who else is getting hit where it hurts?

Nationwide, food prices have increased by 31% in the past six years. However, according to a Wallethub analysis, not all states have been impacted equally. Well, it's hard to believe, but I guess they did the research right?

The site compared the cost of groceries with each state’s median monthly income, and found that Mississippi residents spend 2.64% of their income on food. West Virginia comes in second place, with 2.57% of their income going toward groceries. Citizens of New Jersey, Maryland, and Massachusetts spend less of a percentage on food, but they also have higher median incomes. 

So what costs the most for you now? Eggs? Snacks? Eating healthy is expensive, but if you want to be around you need to take care of yourself. So what do we do? I guess I can start my own garden. My grandmother and great grandmother did this and we loved going over for weekend dinners. Is this the answer?

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