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Is It Better To Rent Or Own A Place To Live?

Photo: KentWeakley / iStock / Getty Images

In your opinion, do you think it would be better to rent where you live or buy? There are benefits to purchasing a home, but it does also come with a downside. Something breaks and it's on you to fix it, and if you don't have the money, you're in trouble. So which is better? Renting or owning.

I own, and it has it's problems. Sometimes it would feel like it would be easier to just rent a place and let it be somebody else's problem. But then people come at you with " well you're just throwing away money renting." and "well, you don't ever own anything and that means you're throwing your money away,"

I don't know what to think sometimes when trouble hits, but I did find the 15 reasons renting is better than buying. Want to add info to your argument?

See the reasons why renting is better HERE

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