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4 Things You Can Do To Minimize Fighting

Photo: courtneyk / E+ / Getty Images

 Fighting aIlows individuals to connect with their voices and acknowledge the full spectrum of human emotions. However, there are better ways to do it than others. Check out these 4 tips to minimize the fights.

  • They Respect Each Other’s Time: It’s a good idea to check in with your partner to see if it’s a good time to talk when you have something on your mind. This shows that you care about your partner’s time and emotional state.
  • They’re Careful With Their Words: Instead of “you” statements, partners in an emotionally healthy relationship often use “I” statements, which comes across less accusatory and gives their partner an opportunity to help solve the problem.
  • They Stick To The Topic At Hand: Good communicators stay on track and don’t go off on tangents about the past in the middle of a conversation. Stayin on topic helps foster solution-based convos and tends to leave both parties feeling good and not emotionally beat up.
  • They Don’t Give Ultimatums: Though boundaries are healthy and encouraged, they don’t include either/or statements. When requests are made – as opposed to demands – the issue becomes a meaningful issue and not a power struggle between two well-meaning people.

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