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Best Perks Of Living Alone

Photo: Getty Images

Living with other people, or roommates has it's upside, like split cost of almost everything, and living with your romantic partner can be amazing too. But there is also a lot to love about not sharing your space with anyone.

People are sharing their favorite perks of having the whole place to themselves, including:

  • “Endless bathroom privileges – hands down!”
  • “Plus, the only mess you deal with is your own”
  • “Nobody eats your food and dishes in the sink don’t magically appear”
  • “I never dread going home because I know I won't have to put up with other people's bs anymore after a retail job.”
  • “Setting the temperature as you please and not waiting for someone else's bathroom smells to clear.”
  • “You get to decide everything.”
  • “Cleaning once a year.”
  • “Not having to think about dinner for anyone else. It's purely wherever you alone want.”
  • “No need to accommodate others' emotions in your personal time/space”
  • “Watching porn with the volume on.”
  • “The thermostat is set to whatever I decide and I don’t have to worry about someone changing it when I’m not looking”
  • “No one drinks your booze but you.”
  • “You want the toilet seat up? Leave it up. You want the toilet seat down? Leave it down.”
  • “Much easier to stick with a diet.”
  • “Getting to lounge around dressed like Porky Pig.”
  • “Sleep naked, cook whatever you want, eat whatever you want. Watch as many movies as you want, play as many video games as you want.”
  • “Silence, complete silence.”
  • “Two words... Unconstrained flatulence”
  • “This is going to sound nerdy. But, set up your smart home to your schedule”
  • “The remote is always in the same place”

Can you think of more? This is a pretty good list, but there could always be more.

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