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You know how we celebrate on the 4th of July, but sometimes your dogs/cats don't think it's so much fun. So how do you enjoy the holiday and keep Mr. Fuzzy Jeans calm at the same time. Check this out.
The 4th of July is full of fun, food, friends and fireworks! These are must-haves for many Fourth of July celebrations, but as much as we love these festivities, it can be scary for your pets. So how do you have a good time, and keep your pet comfortable? Found a few things that might help.
- Set up a distraction - Turn on some white noise or the TV in the background, suggests vet Dr. Grant Little. He points out that basements help muffle sound, so that may be a good place for your dog on July 4th. Veterinarian Dr. Lisa Chimes also recommends long-lasting chew toys or lick mats as distractions.
- Buy a weighted item for your dog - If your dog is comforted by a weighted blanket or jacket, vet Dr. Antje Joslin suggests using those to ease their anxiety. She recommends a Thundershirt, which is like the dog equivalent of a weighted blanket or a swaddle for babies.
- Try exposure therapy - Rickter says dogs can get used to and feel more comfortable with the loud noises from fireworks over time. If you play fireworks noises at home, starting at a low volume and slowly making it louder, it could help your pet become desensitized to the sound as they realize nothing is wrong. The vet notes that this takes some time, so you can’t just start the morning of the Fourth.
- Consider a pharmaceutical option - If nothing else works, you can talk to your vet about medication. They make doggie versions of anxiety meds like Xanax, Paxil and Valium and your vet will be able to help you find the right one.
Just remember when something makes you upset, your fuzzy friends are there to make you feel better. So do them a solid and figure out a way to make them feel comfortable during the big Holiday BOOOMMMMMSSS!