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You've been living that sober life, but now another holiday that is for drinking. So how do you celebrate? Here are the 5 ways to take part in Cinco De Mayo, and stay sober.
Celebrate with food. I mean there is all kind of good food for Cinco De Mayo, so celebrate by eating your calories and not drinking them
Celebrate with a classsic (NA) Drink. Here is a list of Mexican drinks that are sure to get you in the spirit. Check it out HERE
Celebrate with Music and dancing. Get in the party spirit with some classic Mexican songs. Here are Billboards 10 songs you need for Cinco De Mayo...HERE
Celebrate with Games. Any game will do, just as long as you're having fun
Celebrate with friends. Weather you get together in person or a zoom/facetime call, you can celebrate with friends to keep you on the sober path.
Happy Cinco De Mayo, and good luck staying sober.