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These Are Signs Someone Isn't A Good Person

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So you think you're good at judging someone's character right? So if you just met someone new, or you're re-evaluating someone you thought you knew, we've all found ourselves trying to figure out "are they a good person?" But how can you know for sure? Reddit digs into this topic asking, "what is a subtle sign someone isn't a good person?" Here's what they found

No, not Billie Eilish. But she's right. there are bad guyssss out there. Duh. But here are some of the top signs.

  • "They tell small lies — the kind you might pick up on and not mention, because it’s not anything big, but when added up, they can completely change the context of a situation."
  • "They are very concerned with making sure you know they're a good person."
  • "They tell you things about their other ‘friends’ that they should keep between them. It also means they’re telling your business to someone else."
  • "Talking about how all their friends left them or that they were kicked out of multiple friend groups. It keeps happening for a reason."
  • "How they treat the person serving them at dinner."
  • "They cut in line."
  • "They disregard you often."
  • "You see them mistreat others. If you see this, know that it will eventually be your turn to be on the receiving end."
  • “Listening to smart phone audio in public without headphones.”
  • "They always assume the worst motivations of anyone"
  • "If they say sh*t like, 'Sometimes, I wonder if I'm a bad person, but then, I realize that a bad person would never question if they were bad, so I must be a good person!'"
  • "Being dishonest in small party games or board games."
  • "When they use religion as a reason to put other people down."
  • "Anything you say to them can and will be used against you, but subtly."
  • "Every time you interact with them, you feel worse than before."

Not that these are good enough ways to tell if their a good person or not, we found a few more signs:

  • They are passive aggressive. A person with a constant passive aggressive attitude will avoid being straight forward with you at all costs. ...
  • They appear unsupportive. ...
  • You feel uncomfortable around them. ...
  • They don't listen to you. ...
  • They don't make an effort.

So if you think you're a good judge of chrarcter, you may want to take a second and read this pretty carefully so you know if you've got a good, or bad guy.

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