Brad Pitt Did a Cameo in “Deadpool 2″…Because His Kids Loved the First One

 Brad Pitt has a really quick cameo in “Deadpool 2” as an invisible character called Vanisher.  In fact, you only see Brad’s face briefly, when he’s electrocuted.

Screenwriter Paul Wernick says they never even planned to show Vanisher’s face, until it occurred to them it would be a great opportunity to squeeze in a celebrity cameo.

So Ryan Reynolds reached out to Brad, who was happy to do it, because his kids were big fans of the original.

Wernick says they got a lot of rejections for cameos on the first “Deadpool”, but it was such a big hit that they didn’t have that problem this time, “It was a real treat to have more toys to play with in the sandbox.  The premium toy being the Brad Pitt doll.”

(Taylor Swift’s cats also get some screen time.)


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