Happy Mothers Day

Happy, most important day of the year to all Moms (and Dads who do the Mom job) We are SO lucky to celebrate Mommyhood every single day,  but it's nice to have a special day to remember how SO very lucky we are to be blessed with THE best title and role ever!!!! Kiss your babies (human and fuzzy) and take today off from the usual to just enjoy the beauty of your precious blessings. 

I was raised by THE best Dad ever who did an amazing job in both roles, Mom & Dad. Thank you SO much Daddy for everything that you have done for me. You are THE best! I love you SO much!!! 

Mommyhood is THE biggest joy & gift & blessing of my life!!! I love love you all the way to the crescent moon and back K&K!!!!

Happy Mothers Day y'all!!!! Enjoy YOUR day!!! 

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