If you’re upset that they’re making a new “Halloween” movie, there are two things that should make you feel better about it: one you already know, and one you’re ABOUT to know.
The one you already know is that John Carpenter is back as a producer and a creative consultant. He might even do the music, like he did for all his own movies, including the original “Halloween.”
The second thing is just as huge: They’re bringing Jamie Lee Curtis back! Yes, she’ll return as Laurie Strode, to have one last confrontation with Michael Myers.
This new movie will be a sequel to the first two “Halloween” movies, which came out in 1978 and 1981.
That means it’ll ignore the 1998 movie “Halloween: H20,” where Laurie returned for the first time and 2002’s “Halloween: Resurrection,” where – SPOILER ALERT – Michael finally KILLED her.