The highlight of last night’s “VMAs” wasn’t some crazy performance, an outfit that showed too much skin, or even that old standby, two chicks making out. It was a heartfelt and emotional speech PINK gave about her 6-year-old daughter, Willow.
Pink won the Video Vanguard Award, but instead of talking about herself or her work, she went right into a story about how Willow recently called herself, “the ugliest girl I know,” saying she looks like a boy with long hair.
That’s obviously a hard thing for a mother to hear, so Pink made a Power Point presentation for Willow of androgynous rock stars like Michael Jackson, David Bowie, Annie Lennox, and Elton John.
Then she told Willow that people often make fun of HER for looking like a boy or being too masculine, and she said, “We don’t change. We take the gravel in the shell and make a pearl.
“And we help other people to change so they can see more kinds of beauty.” Willow was actually in the audience, with her dad, Carey Hart, and she was wearing a suit – it was pretty awesome.
Click here to watch her speech and see her performance. PLUS a full recap of the winners and performances.